February 1, 2016
I promise to stop gushing about Kenya. This will be the last post. Unless, of course, someone wants to send me there again?
So in addition to tooling around Nairobi for a week, I also got to spend a perfect four days on the Savannah with Explorer Kenya. One can’t set foot in East Africa without stopping by the Masai Mara. And we got to spend an amazing four days roaming the Masai Mara National Reserve. This was the third safari I’d been on and I can say the best. With no tarmac roads and a number of other policies protecting the animals, the animals get close. Close enough to see a lioness’ muzzle covered in blood as she chomps into her prey, or a cheetah nursing her cubs. Mind was blown.
And while we were galavanting around the park with our brilliant guide George and his keen eyes, I got the idea that the photos I was taking would make some mean branding. Branding is something I’ve been having fun with lately. I’ve been helping a friend out with their logo. But with all these animals running around, I knewI had to making something on my own. So with a couple of nifty typefaces and these amazing presets for Adobe Lightroom from VSCO in hand, I thought I’d give a hand to branding the Mara. Here goes!